Shavelson, R. J., Marino, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. & Schmidt, S. (2019). Reflections on the Assessment of Quantitative Reasoning. In L. Tunstall, G. Karaali & V. Piercey (Eds.), Shifting Contexts, Stable Core: Advancing Quantitative Literacy in Higher Education (pp. 163-176) Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Shavelson, R. J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Beck, K., Schmidt, S. & Mariño von Hildebrand, J. P. (2019). Assessment of University Students’ Critical Thinking: Next Generation Performance Assessment. International Journal of Testing.
Hyytinen, H., Toom, A., & Postareff, L. (2018). The relationship between critical thinking, approaches to learning and self-efficacy beliefs among first-year educational science students. Submitted to Learning and Individual Differences.
Shavelson, R. J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., & Marino, J. (in press). Performance Indicators of Learning in Higher-Education Institutions: Overview of the Field. In E. Hazelkorn, H. Coates, & A. Cormick (Eds.), Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education. Edward Elgar.
Shavelson, R. J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., & Marino, J. (2018). International Performance Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (iPAL): Research and Development. In O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, M. Toepper, H. A. Pant, C. Lautenbach (Eds.). Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education – Cross-national Comparisons and Perspectives (pp. 193-214). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Shavelson, R. J., & Pant, H. A. (2017). Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education – International Comparisons and Perspectives. In C. Secolsky & B. Denison (Eds.). Handbook on Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Conference Papers & Presentations
Shavelson, R. J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Schmidt, S., & Beck, K. (2018). Performance Assessment of Learning in Higher Education. Paper presentation at Frontiers in Educational Measurement (FREMO) Conference, 13 September 2018, Oslo (Norway).
Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Beck, K., Shavelson, R. J., Schmidt, S., Nagel, M.-T., & Molerov, D. (2018). Students’ critical ways of dealing with information when solving performance-based assessments. Paper presentation at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 4 Conference 2018, 29 August 2018, Gießen (Germany).
Hyytinen, H. (2018). The reflections of the research methodology of critical thinking. Presentation at The third European Pragmatism Conference, 14 June 2018, Helsinki (Finland).
Toom, A., & Hyytinen, H. (2018). The importance of critical thinking in university studies. Presentation at the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, June 2018.
Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Beck, K., Shavelson, R. J., & Schmidt, S. (2018). Assessment of College Students’ 21st Century Skills – The German Pilot Study. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting conference, April 2018, New York (USA).
Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Beck, K., Shavelson, R. J., & Schmidt, S. (2018). Performance Assessment in Economics with Undergraduates in Germany: Test Results and Survey Insights. Paper presentation at Conference on Teaching & Research in Economic Education (CTREE), May 2018, San Antonio (USA).